Sunday, June 26, 2011

Civil War Days

So today and yesterday down in town they were having for the first time "Civil War Days."  It was kind of a reenactment but only of the time periods customs, dress, and other odd interesting things.  So, of course I had to go down and see all the cool outfits, displays and demonstrations going on. The main reason I went was to see the spinning demonstration at the town museum. I own two drop spindles myself, a top whorl and a Turkish. And as I read that a long time spinner would be there with her wheel I had no option but to go and ask questions.  The lady was very nice and even let me have a go with her wheel :D I was quite excited.  Spinning on a wheel is very different compared to a drop spindle and it will take lots of practice before I am spinning like an expert.  Therefore, I am convinced I need to save up and buy myself a wheel so I can practice.  However, my mother had to put a stop to my enthusiasm and point out that a college dorm is not the best place for a spinning wheel... So I will just have to daydream about owning one for now until I'm able to get my own.

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